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The Chip Board Archive 05

Someone actually tried to do that ...

... once a few years ago (as I recall, it was here in California). Several problems with your plan:

1 -- you can't just walk in with your $48 million bucks and say "I want one ticket with each possible combination of numbers". You have to actually prepare the handwritten cards to put into the machines for each number. How long would that take for 48 million possible combinations?

2 -- Each lotto location has a limit of how many tickets they can or have to take from a single player at one time (I forget what it is, but it isn't very large; perhaps 1000 or something like that). How long would that take for 48 million possible combinations?

3 -- And most important: what do you do if there happen to be three winning tickets and your share of the $100 million is only $33 million, which reduces to about half that if you take the cash value option and slightly more than $10 million after taxes. That's a $38 million LOSS!! grin In fact, even if you hit the winning numbers alone, the cash value would be just slightly more than $50 million and the after tax take still only about $30 million. The jackpot would have to be about $160 million with a single winning ticket JUST TO BREAK EVEN!!

I think you need a new plan!! rofl

BTW, the guy who tried to do it actually was able to recruit enough helpers to buy about half the numbers. But, they forgot to put them in any kind of order and didn't know if they had a winning ticket or not. After going through hundreds of thousands of tickets (with five combinations on each in those days), they discovered that they did have a winner. But, it was a shared jackpot and the guy who set it up ended up losing money after he paid off all his helpers (who were working on an hourly basis).

----- jim o\-S

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Lottery theory
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Paul how much for the Bridge?
YEAH! Sure! Send ...
Re: YEAH! Sure! Send ...
Re: Lottery theory
Wonder how he is on a Roulette table
The ONLY way to increase ...
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Re: The ONLY way to increase ...
Re: Easiest way to double your money...
Very good. grin
Someone actually tried to do that ...
Re: Someone actually tried to do that ...
You sure you're not a lawyer ...

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