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The Chip Board Archive 04

Cornering the Chip Market

I think the biggest problem here is to separate those that are in this hobby for the money and those that are in it for the love of the hobby.

Personally I have no problem with anyone making a profit on the sale of a chip.
Some might view a $5 LE selling at $7.50 or 8.50 to be high, considering it represents a 50%+ markup.
When you consider the time that is involved in getting to the casino, waiting in line cost of gas etc. It hardly seems worth it at all. [BTW I personally do NOT sell chips]

On the other hand when someone attempts to corner the market and is so blatant about it we have a different situation.

When one person purchases an amount of chips WAY beyond what that persons new issue customers represent, the only motive can be speculation at the expense of others.

Our system of free trade in this country allows this, but still in all it just plain SUCKS.

I personally have been dealing with Chuck lately. I have never met him.I feel he is honest, reliable and reasonable. Someone tell me does he drive a Pink Rolls Royce Convertible from his profits on selling chips?????

Just one persons opinion.

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Cornering the Chip Market
Re: Cornering the Chip Market
vbg YEAH! My kind of driver! vbg
Re: Cornering the Chip Market
Sorry Ralph My Error

Copyright 2022 David Spragg