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The Chip Board Archive 04

It's Fuchsia or Fuschia or Feng Shuy

One of those words describes Jill's super chip findof the month. A chip which is right now rarity 9 with either 4 or 5 know is not the rarest but throw in a "bandit" that we all adore & the way she found it & in Arizona where not a lot of chips show up & it all ads up to a "super" find of the month.
Did everyone get a chance to read her excellent article? "Tips to the New Collector". p. 80. Check out your nesletter & don't forget to read it. You have a couple of months before the next one but don't put it off. I think the articles were better than ever. Especially enjoyed John Yee's "Are You Superstitious" Lots to learn there.
OUr cover story by now historian Steve McClendon will teach you all about those little South Tahoe joints.
I do believe the Las Vegas Club is the rare one. I had 2 or 3 near mint ones that we picked up from one of our big ads. Still have one so personally can verify it. When a chip is used, and dirty the colors do change. While not recommending a novice cleaning on this one, I guarantee those little top hats & canes could show some luster again. There was a problem with many hot stamped Christy & Jones chips of th mid 60's era I would say. Or maybe even starting early 60's where the hot stamp was not real deep & even with the mild Armor All Protectant that we recommend using in our book, they could wipe right off. Trial & error tells all! So don't try it! You of course can try to cover the center with your finger etc. but why chance it. What ever color is being exhibited as in the scan etc. or to the human eye,which as they say "is in the eye of th beholder" I am 99% sure she landed the good one. Why the new Paulson colors for this color are different I don't know. Maybe a color chart at a local paint store will help. Also did you know men & woman see colors differently? Don't we have any Optometrist's among us? I know we have dentists.
Hope to see lot's of you at Arcadia at the Casinorama this Saturday.

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It's Fuchsia or Fuschia or Feng Shuy
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Re: It's Fuchsia or Fuschia or Feng Shuy

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