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The Chip Board Archive 04

Greg's Board & Chipguide - BLACKOUT?????

"Life is good" as Scott Blackburn wrote earlier in his post of the CHIPCO samplers.

Life is really very good to us chipper that Greg's and is not affected by the frequent brownouts and outages.

Can you imagine how it would affect your e-bay auctions of course e-bay will be there, trades, RR's, chip IDs, missing contacts such as email addresses, etc., etc., etc., and more etc. Can you imagine how it will affect your "chip life"?

Remember a few weeks ago when Greg worked on putting up a new face lift to the board? How much time and efforts did you went through to find out "what happen to the board"? How many calls both local and long distance did you make?

Just like the saying goes "you don't value a thing unless you loss it" I know for sure that this board will be here to stay, right Greg?

In life we take so much for granted.


Have a good day to all.


Copyright 2022 David Spragg