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The Chip Board Archive 04

Lansky: From Cuba to Bahamas

"When Castro seized power in 1959, he immediately
closed down the casinos, only to reopen them two
months later for obvious economic reasons.... The
tireless Lansky plunged into new ventures.
Despite the outcome of the Cuban episode, it had
earned handsome profits, and now he had
designs on the Bahamas. Lansky built a very
attractive Mafia-controlled hotel/casino there
[1964]. This establishment - the Lucayan Beach -
was "cleaned up" three years later after the fall
of the United Bahamian Party, and the gangsters
were extradited."

The above quoted from: CASINOS by Ralph Tegtmeier

Seen below is what is believed to be part of the
first series of jetons and plaques used at the

The museum at Bourgogne et Grasset displays a
"100" and "500" plaque in pearly-white.

If any one knows of other denominations and
colors of jetons and plaques from Casino Lucayan,
please inform me.



Copyright 2022 David Spragg