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The Chip Board Archive 04

Scott and Steve
In Response To: Pic for Mr. PNW ()

Thanks for the info Scott, pretty cool. As you can see from the list Don provided we elect regular folks as Mayor here. Frank, Vera, Bud... How-DEEE!

Steve, I found an item in the newspaper I'll get to you. Links a '40's Portland racketeer named Al Winter, the L.A. mob, the Pago Pago downtown and it's Turf Club. Don't know if its any news to you or if there are any chip atributions to be had from it but I'll see you at Chinook Winds.

Messages In This Thread

Pic for Mr. PNW
When Portland was Cleaned Up
Hey Don...
Re: Hey Don...
Re: Pic for Mr. PNW
Scott and Steve

Copyright 2022 David Spragg