The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 04

Some new features

This new board has several new features. Here are a couple...

1) You can set up your own user profile. This has a couple advantages. After you have created a profile, your name in each message turns into a link to your profile. Also, and the best feature, is that your profile password automatically becomes the default password to use when deleting a message. That means you don't have to remember to type in a password when you create a message to be able to delete the message later. You can use your profile password.

Another neat feature is that when you click on someones email address to send them an email, the subject line of your email is automatically filled in with the subject line of the message. That feature happens to be one that I suggested to the author of the software that he decided to incorporate into this version.


Messages In This Thread

Some new features
Test--ignore this. *PIC*

Copyright 2022 David Spragg