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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: Happy birthday David Hench!


Yeah, hound dogs and ground hogs is similar at that. Don't worry about Puxatawney Phil and all the other impostors, when I see my shadow, forget about it, it's six more weeks of bundlin' up.

Did you see the new Four Queens Ground Hog day chip? I'll have to get that one. I have the only other one I know of; I think from the Fiesta a few years ago. I wonder if Gene Trimble would be interested in featuring my mug on a Ground Hog day chip, seeing as we're from the same great state and all. Me on one side, and a ground hog on the other, limited to exactly my age in the year minted. It'd be all right man. It could be one of the hottest chips in years. Maybe even COTY.

What do you think?


Messages In This Thread

Happy birthday David Hench!
Re: Happy birthday David Hench!
Re: Happy birthday David Hench!
Re: Happy birthday David Hench!
Re: Happy birthday David Hench!
Re: Happy birthday Hog
Gene! Where did you get that slabbed......
That's the chip.....
Re: Gene! Where did you get that slabbed......
Re: Andy! Where did you get that slabbed......
Re: Happy birthday Hog

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