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The Chip Board Archive 04

ICE Show London, report part 1

I am going through my stuff I brought back from the ICE show in London. It will take a few weeks before everything is sorted out but here already a nice thing.
When I walked by CARD (Casinos Austria Research and Development) and noticed their new Chipmaster, together with B&G they developed chips with a special pigment in it and if it does not recognise this pigment the chip is exjected in a separate box. The 'good' chips are sorted by color and this is new pushed up through a very nice system up to the table where the dealer/croupier just have to slide it to the correct color. No more reaching in to the old chipsort machine to pick up de various colors. This machine pushes them up in stacks of 20 chips at a time.
They demonstrated the machine to me and I was very impressed. Have a look at the picture and you see the machine 'pushes' up a stack of 20 and this at table level, they just needed to be slided into place by the dealer.
Just for your info....more to follow over the next weeks or so, if I do not bore you guys&girls with this.
Kind regards,
Bob R-4479 Belgium

Copyright 2022 David Spragg