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The Chip Board Archive 04

Hubs NY-TN-Tx-

SPM- MJ Sullivan - Rathbun Hotel - Elmira, NY - 1938 - 4 different orders.
Robert E - Could this be PJ Sullivan from Saratoga, NY?

CPr - CP Robinson - Etowa, TN - 1948
What about it Zoesch-Looks like an Illegal to me - 2,200 chips

D-T - Ivy Miller - Dallas, TX - 1938
Maybe one of Benny Binion's buddies. I will get a scan off to DOC F and ED H.

HH did not send the
3 in a diamond OR

ENW- EN WOOD - Owensboro, Ky - 1935-36-& 39 - Had to have been an Illegal.
Notation on card says "The Hub" Bar name???? or mold name???

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