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The Chip Board Archive 04

Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...

As I said before a chip is not of better quality because it is graded.

While you might be able to sell a slabbed chip for more money (although that will not be true as long we refuse to buy them) they will cost more money. Therefore the only people to profit will be the Slabbers themselves.

Your theory that slabbed chips offer greater safety is only true if slabber knows more than you do. At the present we have no reason to believe this is true since we don't know who the slabbers are. And even if they have more chip knowledge it is unlikely that they will be able to see anything on a chip that you couldn't see yourself. Lastly if your only concern is authenticity, than why have the chip graded. Why not just an authentification service?

I can understand why you don't want to be burned by a dealer. I just don't understand why you wish to be burned by a slabber.

Messages In This Thread

Graded Casino Chips
Re: Graded Casino Chips
Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Finding support for slabbed chips....
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg...
This Guy Is Yanking Our Chain......
The more of Greg's post's I read , the more ......
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Remember, you have to sell an investment...
Re: Greg... Please Stop Beating a Dead Horse...
Go, Buy, Greg! Remember...

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