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The Chip Board Archive 04

"Slab Free" a more positive approach

It's about 5:45 East Coast Time and I should still be asleep for a couple of more hours, but I woke up with this idea and I figured I better get on the computer while it was still fresh in my mind. No one is more against the proposed slabbing of Casino Chips than I am. I am definitely "Anti slabbing". I signed the "Pledge" early on, I think I am #17 on the list. I have said very little else on he subject over the last few weeks on this Board but to more successful in the battle over slabbing we most come out with a positive approach. The debate on slabbing has evolved into literally a P***ing contest (with the proposed tee shirts). I think we should take a page from other successful causes which have proclaimed a positive message, "Smoke free retaurant", Drug free School Zone", Pollution Free envirinment, etc. I believe that we should proclaim ourselves in a very positive manner as "Slab free collectors and Dealers. I believe the slogan "I am a "slab free" collector/dealer." would send a very strong and positive message. I also think buttons with the "Slab free" slogan would be proudly worn by everyone who thinks that slabbing is not good for our wonderful hobby. I would be willing to donate $50.00 towards the purchase of these buttons to get the positive message out on this most important issue. This is all I have to say on this issue. LMK what you think.

Messages In This Thread

"Slab Free" a more positive approach
I can make the buttons...
Re: Count me in.....
Re: Count me in.....
Button Questions???
Re: Button Questions???
Re: Button Questions - AMY
Re: A good Idea , but a little short of the mark
If they do not have a clue, it doesn't matter.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg