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The Chip Board Archive 04

The musings of TyrusRex

Hey Everybody – I’m Back!

Happy New Year Chippers! I haven’t been able to post in a while, but I have kept up with just about everything. I’ll give my thoughts in a minute, but first, I wanted to explain what’s going on with TyrusRex, Inc. and with me.

2000 was one of those “self-examining” years for me that really put me to the test, and I’m glad to see it go. Even though tomorrow is really just another day, the significance of leaving behind 2000 merits a quick review. In 2000, I quit a job that I had planned on having until I retired or died. Caesars Palace has always been one of the top dice dealing jobs in Las Vegas, and it took me years to get it. I left when Park Place took over, and, while I have no regrets, it was a tough thing to do.

There were three deaths this year of people very close to me. One was murdered, one committed suicide, and one died of cancer. The first two were younger than me, and led me into a search for what’s really important to me. So I spent some time doing just that.

For a while, I planned on closing TyrusRex, Inc. and concentrating on my new job and my daughter, while getting ready for another child. Unfortunately, we lost the new baby three months into the pregnancy, another “What the hell is going on?” event. There were just too many of those in 2000.

2000 wasn’t all bad, though. I got a new job at The Aladdin and it has turned out to be a very fun place to work. I made a couple of unknown chip discoveries, made some good trades, and purchased chips that I’ve wanted for years. I was also introduced to the wonderful world of roulette harvesting! (As many of you read about here a few months ago!) I met several chippers this year, and have made new friends. I also had a handshake deal with a casino representative regarding a business transaction with my products – only to find out his word and his actions lack integrity. Bummer! Unfortunately, I also made some very bad trades and purchases and really took it in the shorts a couple of times. But that’s what makes it fun!

It’s the end of the year, and I have made a few decisions. I love this hobby! It really is FUN, despite the abuse of the word recently. I’m not going to leave it, and I’m not going to close up shop. TyrusRex is alive and well. And to get back in the swing of things, I’m introducing my all new website. I invite you to check it out. I plan on changing it often, as I’m having a blast with web design! I also want to keep enjoying the hobby. When I started the company, it took a lot of the enjoyment out of collecting – it became a business. And life is too short for all work and no fun. So I have changed a few things. In order to lower my monthly expenses (keeping it more of a hobby), I no longer accept credit cards directly, only through PayPal. I will also not have a booth at either the Superbowl show or the annual show. The last two years I was tied to my table. Aauugghh! I want to collect!!!! So I will be at both shows as an attendee, not a dealer, and I look forward to seeing you all there! I’m also excited about being the new secretary and auctioneer for the Southern Nevada Chapter of CCandGTCC.

As far as slabbing is concerned … read the previous paragraph! For me, it’s a hobby, not an industry. I will have nothing to do with slabbing, slabbers, or unethical chip dealers.

Thanks for reading! I’m back to stay and I plan on posting much more often, although future posts will be much shorter and less serious! Hey, how about if they are more FUN?!?!

Tyrus Mulkey
TyrusRex, Inc.

Andy - add me to the list! Also, thanks for the FUN football contest and the FUN holiday contest. Wow! I won the drawing – I guess I had a little good luck in 2000!

Bruce and Donna – Thanks for the note; I’m glad you made it last month. See you next week!

DocF - an email is on the way!

Jeff – Never mind, I got it taken care of. See you at the store.

TyrusRex Customers – Your orders are on the way.

Jim Kruse – Help! I need some tips!

Everybody in the East – Stay warm!

Rene - Good luck with the show!

Katie – Where are you?

Candidates – Good luck with the election!

Greg – Thanks for providing this great board!

Everybody else – HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

WHEW! I finally feel like I just might actually be caught up!


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