The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 04

I will not preside over the demise ...

... of our hobby as we know it, at least not willingly.

Recognizing that there isn't complete agreement on this issue (though the poll results at the moment show that 69% of those voting oppose the slabbing of chips) and that the extreme step of banning slabbed chips from CC>CC venues is supported by only about one-third of those voting, PLEASE BE ADVISED:

I see the post by Mr. Taylor on the board today, no matter how well mannered and friendly in tone, as a declaration of war on chip collecting as it exists today (if you think that's hyperbole, so be it). Therefore, if elected president of the club, I will undertake every possible effort to STOP CHIP SLABBING.

With the firm knowledge that ICG intends to go forward with chip slabbing, this issue has moved to the top of my list of concerns. A resolution to ban slabbed chips from all club activities and venues will be the first motion I make.

So, if you vote for me in this election, do so with the certain knowledge that I WILL do as I say here. ----- jim o\-S

Copyright 2022 David Spragg