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The Chip Board Archive 04

Election Solution?


Read this on another board I frequent and thought I'd share it here. I make no claims as to it's being factual.


From the LA Times:

"A tie between Democrat Core and GOP rival George W. Bush in New Mexico
could lead to a face-off over a poker table.

"Under New Mexico election codes, tied elections are settled by chance--
anything from the drawing of straws to a hand of poker. The choice is
up to the candidates.

"Last year, for instance, a judicial race in rural Catron County
finished in a tie, and the two candidates agreed to a game of seven-
card stud to decide it. Incumbent Jim Blancq returned to the bench on
the strength of two pairs--queens and fours--over challenger Lena
Milligan's single pair of aces.

"A card game with five electoral votes in the pot might not be such an
unseemly end to New Mexico's election, which has seesawed wildly."

Copyright 2022 David Spragg