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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!

"I have 7 different shades of the medium blue $1 Silver City.
None of the 7 are Lt. Blue or Navy. Should they all be listed?"

Here is the new listing for this chip.

N1111 - Extra Light Medium Blue
N1111.1 - Almost Medium Blue
N1111.2 - Closer Yet Medium Blue
N1111.3 - The Real Medium Blue
N1111.4 - A little Darker Medium Blue
N1111.5 - A Lot Darker Medium Blue
N1111.6 - Extra Dark Medium Blue

See how easy it would be?
BTW I have 27 different color variations of a medium red Four Queens chip. Should I send them to you?

I can see it now, Travis will scan one of the FQ's 27 varities to the board and ask
"Doc Myers, which one is this"
Doc answers "Its the medium red one dummy"

Messages In This Thread

Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Just for Dr. Myers - you'll love this!
Re: Just for Dr. Myers - you'll love this!
Re: Dr. Meyers Calling Mr Covington
Re: Dr. Myers Calling Mr. Covington
Re: Dr. Myers Calling Mr. Covington
Thanks Dr. Myers!
Re: Dr. Meyers Calling Mr Covington
Covington, Here...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
Re: oops...
How about.....
LOL!!! (EOM)
Re: Dr. Meyers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Meyers - Hey Larry
Re: Dr. Meyers - Hey Gene....
Re: Dr. Meyers - Hey Gene....
Re: Already is a "Varitaions" Magazine..
Re: Dr. Myers - Can you please Help me out?
Re: Dr. Myers - My manifesto on variations...
Re: Excellent summary on variations
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
Re: Dr. Myers - OK Doc!!!!
I'm colorblind, so ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg