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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bo

Yes David, last week in Paris mondayevening took me 1 hour to fill the fueltank. Next day only 100FF per time was sold, tuesdayevening everything empty. Luckely I went back by TGV (high speed train). BUT now I am home should go back tomorrow but the truckers are blocking the boarders to Germany, France and The Netherlands. Blocking highways etc. etc. trains are fully booked so I migth have to stay home tomorrow, (so sad...). I the hope that the problem would be resolved by friday or saturday...
But what do you want at $1.30 per LITER that is about $5.20 a gallon !!!!!!???!!
AND it is almost $1 of tax per liter...
I am NOT driving around to hunt for jetons&plaques these days....
Maybe I should take the job they offered me in Houston ??
Take care and kind regards
Bob R-4479 Belgium

Messages In This Thread

Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re: Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bo
Re: Are the Fuel Protests Causing You Troubles, Bo
Speaking of Houston,When will they start drilling
Speaking of Houston,When will they start drilling
Re: Are the Fuel Prices Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re: Are the Fuel Prices Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re: Are the Fuel Prices Causing You Troubles, Bob?
Re Home Heating Oil To Go To $2.00 Gal.

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