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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: $5,700 Realized in "PINES" sale... l

I wonder if Maude did him in? 18% of $5,700 = $1,026 big money in those days! <g>

I bet old WA was related somehow to Joe Bauer. They lived in the same area, both gamblers, both died close together, both owned illegals, etc.
Good information Paul. I will keep it and hope another piece of the puzzle turns up.

Messages In This Thread

$5,700 Realized in "PINES" sale... long
Re: $5,700 Realized in "PINES" sale... l
Re: $5,700 Realized in "PINES" sale... l
"PINES" - and let's not forget AUGGIE B.
Re: "PINES" - and let's not forget AUGGI

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