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The Chip Board Archive 03

What the hell did I do wrong now ?

Since when are opinious Insults ? To many touchy people on this board.That could
explain why some people would rather belong to a local chapter of people they know and understand better.

John Massimiani

Messages In This Thread

My take on the current "hot" topic
Excellent points ...
Re: Excellent points HOWEVER,
Re: My take on the current "hot" topic
Re: My take on the current "hot" topic
What the hell did I do wrong now ?
Re: What the hell did I do wrong now ?
Re: My take on the current "hot" topic
Re: My take on the current "Greg" topic
Re: Rich Hanover you missed one
Re: Rich Hanover you missed one
Re: My take on the current "hot" topic
We all agree on some things, I hope.
Re: My take on the current "hot" topic
Re: My take on the current "hot" topic

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