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The Chip Board Archive 03

MY response.....

to some of the bull...t and innuendoes I've been reading on this bb will be addressed tomorrow on THE CLUB MESSAGE BOARD. I've just returned from my usual weekend in Atlantic City and can not absorb all that has been said in between other fragmented unrelated posts. This is just another reason why all this should appear in one place in MY opinion.

For those who have the luxury to read the bb's daily, perhaps there is some continuity in all these segmented posts. If one is away for several days, or several weeks, it is impossible to follow all that has been said, and placed into perspective ... especially if one has to go into the archives after three or four days to play catch-up.... which I'm not about to do.

If one wants to address the New York Daily News, he/she should NOT be writing to the Los Angles Times.

Good nite for now.

Copyright 2022 David Spragg