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The Chip Board Archive 03

"Home Run" Playing Cards...Trade?

I found these playing cards in a shop earlier this week. I have three decks, two blue & one red. Poker size. The tax stamp is partially intact on one of the blue decks & the red deck. The boxes are a little frayed, but intact. The cards are in general good shape with some small corner tears on a few. On the bottoms & tops of the boxes is printed: "Perfect Slip" & "Velvet Finish". I thought I would offer them here before posting on eBay. Interesting cross collectible; baseball & playing cards. Anyone interested? I'll trade for chips. Sorry about the large scan.


Dave Smith in NH
"Live Free or Die"

Snake Update: The large snake that was living in our generator shed has moved to his summer residence in our woodpile. Jenny found him this morning. He is getting fat on frogs & chipmonks. My entire chip collection is for trade for a condo in Boston. <G>

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"Home Run" Playing Cards...Trade?
Re: "Home Run" Playing Cards...Trade? Wo

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