The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 03

the answer: painted; no big deal

I am in too much of a hurry getting ready for Vegas to scan those I own like these. But they are regular hub mold chips that have been painted, rather poorly. I have them in 8 different denominations/colors (all hot-stamped, all "U-C" for Union Club, Cuba). I believe them to be rather inexpensive.

One of mine is painted over the entire center. Others were painted around the rim, and then the paint was rubbed off on some, leaving the paint in the recessed hubs (similar to paint being applied to "engraved"-style poker chips).


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Gene Trimble- check these out
Re: Gene Trimble- check these out
Re: Gene Trimble- check these out
the answer: painted; no big deal
Re: the answer: painted; no big deal

Copyright 2022 David Spragg