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The Chip Board Archive 03

KUDOS to C.T. Rodgers and his "Staff"

I am trying to organize my meager collection and ran out of the 30 pocket plastic sleeves.

I sent an email to C.T. Rodgers at

and ordered 60 of them. Not a big order (or a high profit item for him)... but important to me.

I sent the email to C.T. around 11a.m. this past Friday (5-26). He replied a few hours later by eamil and said that he was getting together for the long weekend with his kids and grandkids and told me he would ship the sleeves on Tuesday(5-30)((Monday the 29th being a Federal/Post Office Holiday). I wrote back and told him there was no hurry on the order and to enjoy the kiddos.

Well, TODAY (5-30) I went to my PO Box and found my order from C.T. Rodgers waiting for me!! Based on the postmark, he had made a trip to the post office on Friday shortly after our email exchange and mailed the sleeves at that time!! C.T. SHIPPED my order this past Friday within a couple of HOURS of receiving my email order.

I realize that C.T. runs a family business and I just wanted to publicly acknowledge the fine service I received from him.

By the way, the actual Priority shipping charges on the post office strip were $5.40. C.T. only charged me $3 shipping.

The 'old-timers' know about C.T. but if you're new to this hobby as I am, I suggest you send C.T. an email and request a copy of his supplies catalog.

His email address is

Thanks C.T. I'll see you at the show.


Steve in Albuquerque

Copyright 2022 David Spragg