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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Rare Photo of Divine Grace Ginsburgda (FL)

Steve, I haven't seen that picture of me since I returned from the mountains of Tibet in 1968! It brings back fond memories of the intensive training I had to endure in order to earn the title of Majareshee. Ringo & Paul flunked out the first week & were sent packing back to Great Britian. John made it to the last day but was found with some funny tasting white powder that he told the master was talc for his jock itch. George completed training with my class but he decided to go back to playing the sitar with some guy named Ravi Shankar, as I recall. I returned to the US to spread the word, but got side tracked with school & then into to seedy world of gambling, chip collecting & the preservation of gaming history. It has been a downhill spiral since then. I have shed a few pounds, & lost some more hair. As you may have read in my post to Archie, I have gotten back to my spiritual roots & meditate twice a day & only eat grains, vegetables & soy products. I fast 2 days a month & I take a high colonic just afterwards. That cleans out the system real fast! Thanks for bringing me back to the past & please remind me to tell you of a guy I was rooming with & his experience with a yak.
BTW: The second stack of chips from the right are from the Dixie Duck!

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Rare Photo of Divine Grace Ginsburgda (FL)
Re: Rare Photo of Divine Grace Ginsburgda (FL)
Re: Rare Photo of Divine Grace Ginsburgda (FL)
Re: Rare Photo of Divine Grace Ginsburgda (FL)

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