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The Chip Board Archive 03

Autograph Chips - You Bet!!

Before you ask!!! I was wrong!! I do subscribe to at least 1 new chip issue service. Ludwigs autograph chip service. <g>
He has some good ones this time.

General H. Norman Schwarzkopf
Roger Brown -50-60's Detroit Lions/LA Rams
Jamie Foxx
Frank Beamer-Coach of Virginia Tech
Ricky Rudd - NASCAR
Donald Trump - THE DONALD-Geez
Don Imus - This was a hard one
Charles McCord/Bernard McGerk - straight man and Executive Producer-Don Imus Show
Rob Bartlett/Larry Kenny - They do the parodies on Don Imus Show
Russ Giguere/Larry Ramos/Del Ramos/Bruce Pictor - The Association - rock group

Copyright 2022 David Spragg