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The Chip Board Archive 03

Re: Clean or not to clean--Date?

I have seen a number of different Paulson metal insert chips. A few have no date. Most have 3 or 4 digit numbers which translate to a 1 or 2 digit month and a 2 digit year. If Paulson made this chip in January of 77 and for some reason decided to put a slash between the 1 and the 77, then made some more in November and date coded them 1177, I would find that quite odd. I would think if it was a slash, the angle would be more pronounced. Here's one of mine. Looks like two parallel lines to me.

Messages In This Thread

Clean or not to clean
Re: Clean or not to clean
Stop it!
Dunes NCV
Re: Clean or not to SLAB!!!
Re: Clean or not to SLAB!!!
Give me Liberty from Slabbing ...
Re: Clean or not to clean
Pardon my ignorance
Re: Pardon my ignorance
Re: Pardon my ignorance
Coin Slabbing
Re: Clean or not to clean--Date?
Re: Clean or not to clean--Date?
Re: Clean or not to clean--Date?
Re: Clean or not to clean--Date?
Re: Clean or not to clean--Date?
Re: Clean or not to clean--Another Date
Anal Irishmen clean their chips, too ...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg