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The Chip Board Archive 02

Club Publicity part 4

Guess how many, of all the people who like to criticize me, answered this ad ??
The answer to this everyone can guess----ZERO. Only the officers replied, and even till this date, I receive new leads from our officers.
At a recent Atlantic City Chapter CC&GTCC Meeting, David Sarles (candidacy for president)and myself spoke shortly, exchanging our idea's on Publicity. I also let it be known to Mr. Sarles that i would still be interested in holding this position again, if he so appoints me.
Now to change the subject. I can not figure out why our own members attack the man who contributed the most ever to this great organization, Mr. Archie Black.
If there was ever a Hall Of Fame for promoting this club, Archie would be inducted in a blink of a eye. But on the other side, if there was a Hall Of Shame for critizing others, instead of helping, then some would be installed as such.
Please read part 5, the final

Copyright 2022 David Spragg