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The Chip Board Archive 02

Matchbook round robin - last call...

Only Andy Hughes responded to my solicitation of interest in a Nevada casino front striker, full-book match round robin. I'll wait a couple of more days to see if there are any other takers.

For those who haven't been in one of these before, I'll send a package of 20-30 matchbooks from my duplicates to the first person on the list. He takes any he needs for his collection and replaces with others that don't duplicate those left in the RR. They don't have to be perfect but please no badly beat up, torn, or stained matchbooks. Your only cost is the postage to pass the package on to the next philluminist on the list, or back to me if you're the last one. There will be instructions and address labels in the package.

Email me or post if you're interested. You might also indicate if your interest is in Las Vegas or Northern Nevada matches, and if you collect varieties. I'll include as many varieties of a given type as I can if anyone is interested in them, as inspection is really the only way to see if you need one of these.

By the way, a N-Nevada full book sold on eBay recently for over $25, and I forgot about bidding on the lot! There are at least three collectors interested in these <g>.


Copyright 2022 David Spragg