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The Chip Board Archive 02

Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ?
In Response To: Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ? ()

Hi Marv,

CompuServe was a tough go, but I finally gave up on it. The board there was great for a while, in fact, that board is where I first learned of chip collectors. I made my first trade there with Neal back in May of '95 for a Trump Taj $1. I finally gave up my CompuServe account last month. I had been a member for nearly 15 years. The main reason I liked CompuServe was that every software and hardware vendor that was anybody had a forum there where you could get help 24 hours a day. Now though they all have a presence on the web and they slowly but surely have been pulling out of CIS.

I have to agree with you that the CompuServe forum interface beat Prodidy's interface by a mile. In fact, everything about CompuServes interface was so much more professional looking and feeling than it was on Prodigy. The place I felt that Prodigy had one up on CIS was when you used BBNM in conjunction with the Prodigy bulletin boards. That is a fantastic interface and it made Prodigy worth using, in fact, it made it easier to use then CompuServe.

There has never really been any half way decent place for chippers on AOL. Most use AOL I believe as their gateway to the WWW.

Will Prodigy die? Probably, some day. I don't know when. I will feel sad when it does, just as I did when CIS finally died for me. But I try to look on the bright side and when I do I see the explosion of new collectors that have found all of us "old timers" because of access to the world wide web. I don't know if you took a good look at the Round Robin threads last month but if you did you surely noticed how many names were there that have never been on CIS or Prodigy. It constantly amazes me how many people are learing of our group via the www. I get a listing request for my Chip Link pages on the average of 1 new collector every 2 days. WOW!!!

It can only go up from here! I love chipping!!!

Greg Susong

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Prodigy - dead or alive ?
Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ?
Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ?
Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ?
Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ?
Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ?
Re: Prodigy - dead or alive ?

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