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The Chip Board Archive 02

Horseshoe Ashtray
In Response To: Here is another one. ()

Think this must be a relatively recent one Steve but I don't have it.

It's either HOR-52 or HOR-53, depending on whether the printing is gold or yellow. Anderson value is $2-5. It say it's probably $5-7. Not many $2 ashtrays

It has 3 "snuffers" around the outer edge.


Messages In This Thread

Help Please! - Ashtrays
Re: Help Please! - Ashtrays
Casino Ashtray Values
Here is another one.
Horseshoe Ashtray
And another one
Golden Gate Ashtray
And one more......
Golden Nugget Ashtray
Last One ...I promise!
Harrah's Club Ashtray

Copyright 2022 David Spragg