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The Chip Board Archive 02

New BBS - good and bad

Well, Greg, I come back after a few days off (some people have to go out and breath fresh air once in awhile!)(or drive down to Illinois and win at BJ on the riverboat) and there's a new BBS in town. Wow.

First of all, the bbs is really fast and that is great. Now I can find out much sooner that the reply I clicked on is someone's "OH YEAH ---- WELL SO'S YOUR OLD MAN!!!"

On the negative side (since you already have dozens of people pointing out your triumphs) I noted that when I clicked on, it didn't say "Hi, Jerry in WI, welcome back, really nice to see you old buddy, How's your back, feeling better? Oh, by the way, since you last logged on about 30 minutes ago, 47,234,756 messages have been added to the board. Wow, what a slow day." I miss being welcomed and told what happened while I was gone.

Oh, I did want to say that the new feature I do like that may not have been mentioned by anyone else is the way you list the entire thread on each reply, not just that part of the thread from the message you are on and down. Nice to bounce around.

Jerry in WI

Messages In This Thread

New BBS - good and bad
Re: New BBS - good and bad
Re: New Cookies?
Re: New Cookies?
Re: New Cookies?

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