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The Chip Board Archive 15

Update on my situation 7 weeks after surgery

It’s been a little over seven weeks since they did the unsuccessful surgery to remove the brain tumor. Since then I’ve done Gama Knife, a very intense form of radiation, and have just completed the 5th week of radiation treatments and the 5th week of chemo treatments. Radiation is a 5 day a week thing, and chemo is 7 days a week With Sat. And Sun. Off from radiation the 1st few days of the week are my best days. Towards mid week things get worse, and by Sat. It’s damm right ugly. I lost 11 pounds in 10 days (not that I couldn’t use it), due to bleeding sores on my lips and in my mouth that prevented me eating. Add to that the lack of ability to get any good sleep, there was 10 days of living hell.1 more week of radiation, and 2 more weeks of round one of chemo are left. We will take a few weeks off, and meet with the doctors the first week of December.

A meeting with our lawyer and accountant brought 1 answer from each. Denise and I need to get married to protect my IRA’s and my 401k from the heavy hand of the tax man. So we will do that this Sat. At our house. She hasn’t left in 19 years, chances of getting here to go now are slim .

Getting married is easy, letting go of my toys is going to be hard.. The attached one is going back to N.H. with my daughter and son in law. He came out early in the year and I detuned the car and let him make 5 passes. That was the most fun he will ever have with his clothes on. I’m smart enough to realize even if this comes out ok, they will never let me drive anything that produces 4 g’s again. I have another one (1967 pro street Nova) that I will keep for the time being.

I try to go to work a couple of hours a day the 1st part of the week. We are on pace to do $10,000,000 in orders this year. 5 million will be custom designed equipment.

In general I’m still upbeat about the situation and looking forward to a week or two rest, before we start stage 2.

Von has stayed in touch, and with his own situation that is much appreciated. I asked him to send the nurse


Messages In This Thread

Update on my situation 7 weeks after surgery
VERY NICE toy David.
Congrats on the Marrige! Hang in there David!!
Re: Dave Keep the faith!
Dave Keep the faith!
Will Be Thinking Of You David...& The Nurse! vbg
David-Thank You For The Post
David, God speed and hang in there...
David...may you & your "new" bride
grin Godspeed...
Put Up A Good Fight
Keep strong and God bless

Copyright 2022 David Spragg